Radiant Church

We have in-person worship gatherings only on the second Sunday of every month!
All other services are streamed online. Keep scrolling to see why we're changing things up.

North Charleston, SC

Radiant is an intentionally diverse Jesus-centered church in North Charleston.

Join Us!

We meet in person for corporate services every Sunday at 10:00am. We value community and in-person worship and prayer.

Our Core Values

01. Mission Over Me

We always prioritize impacting others with the Gospel over our preferences. We joyfully embrace a lifestyle of self-sacrifice to participate in God’s Kingdom agenda.

02. Community Over Convenience

We consistently choose meaningful connection with our brothers and sisters whenever possible. This may never fit neatly into our schedules, so we choose to adjust our schedules instead of neglecting our need to be in community with one another.

03. Cross Culture Over Comfort

A church culture that is united by Jesus, that intentionally makes room for many cultures is worth sacrificing for. This is not a progressive agenda, but the very heart of God.

04. Kingdom Over Church

Our goal is not primarily to have a growing church, but healthy disciples on Mission for Jesus. Our decisions as a church will reflect that priority.

05. Jesus Over Everything

We are willing to do anything short of sin to reach others with the whole Gospel of Jesus. We proclaim Jesus and model his compassion and courage as ambassadors of the Kingdom.

Upcoming Events

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What we believe at Radiant Church about Jesus, the Bible, and the Church.